120 Days of Retail: Day 48 - New Blog Functionality

A new blog and a prototype coming tomorrow

Apr 22, 2023

This is part 48 of a 120 day series on validating our product ListIt, a digital storefront for independent retailers to sell their inventory online for free. You can see the whole series here.

I know it's probably the most exciting thing for a small company to announce a new blog or new functionality on their website. It's pretty self-serving, I know. But what's exciting about it is that it's just one step closer to our goal of launching a prototype tomorrow.

Tomorrow night before midnight ListIt will launch our first MVP. This will be a site with the basic ability to sign up a business, and list products for shoppers to see. Shoppers in turn will be able to search for products in their neighborhood.

We'll be rolling out the website first to the following zip codes, which comprise an important part of South Brooklyn, my neighborhood Bay Ridge: 11209, 11220, 11228. My thinking here is that while we get our first companies onboarded I want to be able to walk to meet any business owner with a problem or a question.

So exciting times ahead. And who knows- maybe tomorrow I'll even have images working on the blog 😉

ListIt is the Buy Online Pickup In-Store solution for local retailers. It’s free and takes only seconds to upload your first product. Reach out to me directly at james@listit.one