120 Days of Retail: Day 52 - Target Rolls Out Curbside Returns at All Locations

Retailers who increase their pickup and dropoff options see greater customer loyalty

Apr 27, 2023

A Target employee services a dropoff location. Joe Readle, Getty Images

As retailers brace for what may be a slight downturn in retail sales this year after the Fed's recent interest rate increases have hit US consumer discretionary spending, Target is hoping to increase customer loyalty by adding curbside returns to all its stores.

Curbside services like pickup and dropoff are a major driver of customer loyalty, as "click-and-collect sales in dollars will grow by 8% this year, compared with 2% for delivery... [t]he growth will be fueled by consumers who opt for curbside pickup to avoid delivery fees or shipping minimums at a time of heightened price sensitivity", said Bob Hoyler, a retail market research manager.

"Click-and-collect, a term used to describe buying online and picking up purchases curbside or in store, grew from 6% of overall e-commerce sales in the U.S. in 2019 to 11% in 2022" according to Euromonitor, a market research company.

"Click and collect" a synonym for Buy Online Pickup In-Store and its cousin "drive up" are both part of an important changing retail strategy that better integrates online and in-store experiences for shoppers.

ListIt allows independent retail stores to offer click-and-collect or drive up service without having to pay a developer or make a website. Merchants simply create an account, take a picture of their inventory on their phone and begin selling immediately.

ListIt is the Buy Online Pickup In-Store solution for local retailers. It’s free and takes only seconds to upload your first product. Reach out to me directly at james@listit.one