120 Days of Retail: Day 28 - A 90 day launch plan for ListIt

Mapping the plan for a public launch of ListIt for shopping in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

Sun Apr 2, 2023

This is part 28 of a 120 day series on validating our product ListIt, a digital storefront for independent retailers to sell their inventory online for free. You can see the whole series here.

rocket takeoffA rocket taking off from Florida. Credit SpaceX via Unsplash

No super long post today but just a note that last week I worked to generate a 90 day launch plan for ListIt which narrows down the first neighborhood to work with as Bay Ridge, where I live.

From April 1 to April 10 I'll be writing down competitors, doing market research, figuring out the target audience, and finding local retailers. I'll also be planning the app's features, functionality, and design based on user feedback. Lastly, I'll create a development plan for the code.

From April 11 to April 30 we enter the development and code phase. I'll start building the app with NextJS. I'll test the app with a small group of local retailers and shoppers to identify bug and issues. And I'll incorporate that feedback into the next development cycle and to fine tune the produce.

From May 1 to May 30 I'll be doing marketing and user acquisition. So I'll improve the website to be more public facing. Make flyers and posters and maybe even brochures for retailers in my neighborhood. And I'll chat with community groups and promote the product at community events.

The final 30 days, or from May 31 to July 1 will be the launch and growth phase. I'll launch the app officially and start onboarding retailers. I'll launch a promotional campaign to attact local shoppers likely using Facebook ads and maybe local newspapers. I'll get into analytics as much as possible and monitor user feedback, and begin adding features to the development cycle. Lastly I'll begin plans to expand to other South Brooklyn neighborhoods like Sunset Park- another favorite locale right next to me with more awesome small shops like at Industy City!

ListIt is a free app that allows retailers to sell to local shoppers as easily as posting to Instagram. Like it? Dislike it? Simply have questions? Reach out to me directly at james@listit.one and be sure to check out our website for updates and the beta product sign-up- coming this week!